Map Of Preflood Edenic Valley Link To Map Of Red Sea For Comparison
Reorientation And Site Identification By Redrawing Of Ancient Nuzi Map From: |
Examples Of Ancient Maps Depicting South & East At The Top Include:
![]() | Earliest Maps Found In China detail the region of ancient Ch'ang-sha (modern Hunan unto the South China Sea) and date to the second century BC. One of two maps unearthed (1973-74 AD) was published on page 9 of John Noble Wilford's text, "The Mapmakers" (Vintage Books, New York, 1982 Ed.) and shows the South China Sea at the top of the map. See Reorientated Map Of Ancient Hunan, China |
![]() | The 1154 AD Map Of Al-Idrisi has South labeled at top. Photograph courtesy of Bodleian Library published in Saudi Aramco World, pg. 17, July/August 2005, Vol. 56, No. 4., article titled, "The Leek Green Sea". See Reoriented Al-Idrisi Map. |
![]() | Early 13th Century "Beatus" Map with South at the top "locates the Earthly Paradise in Southeast Africa". Photograph published in Saudi Aramco World, pg. 10, July/August 2005, Vol. 56, No. 4., article title, "Monsoons, Mude & Gold". |
![]() | The Madaba Map with East at the top. |
![]() | To this list we must add The Nuzi Map with South at the top. |
Everyone Draws Maps: People of ancient preflood times were little different from people today. If someone needs directions you draw them a map of sorts. Oh, you don't use tape measures, aerial photos, etc. and you may even describe certain aspects that you are familiar with only through word of mouth. But, the accuracy of that part may not be of great significance to the travelers or they can always inquire when they get there.
Therefore, if you dwelt in the area of Mesopotamia, Yorghan Tepe where the Nuzi map was found in 1930-31 for example, and a traveler were headed for the Edenic Valley by boat, perhaps to help Noah build the City of Noah, to bring supplies or trading goods, etc. you may draw a map such as the Nuzi Clay Map. And, if several travelers came to you because you had been there before, you may even make several small copies. If you were to make just one copy to show others where you had been it would be much larger than the tiny 7.6 cm X 6.8 cm tablet (the size of the palm of one's hand) made for travelers.
Verbal Instructions Sometimes Suffice: Simple verbal additional instructions for travelers via water from Yorghan Tepe (Ga-Sur / Nuzi) to the Edenic Valley would go something like this:
"Once you leave the Tigris River always follow the land on your right and you'll get there." That is, follow the Tigris River South to the Persian Gulf. Then continue Southeastward while always keeping the land on your right in view. After passing the Strait of Hormuz continue Southeast to the Arabian Sea. That's when the land falls away to the West. So, you too must turn Southwest and then Westsouthwest still keeping the land in sight on your right or starboard.
Note: When the land falls away to the West you are about half way to your destination.
Eventually, you'll reach the Sea of Reeds now called the Gulf of Aden. There you'll find a large fresh water river flowing Eastward through the Sea of Reeds. It's the only river you will encounter. You can't miss it.
Then follow that fresh water river (the Jordan River extended) which flows from the West as it enters the Arabian Sea / Indian Ocean. And, when you must turn Northwest you will soon pass through a very narrow gorge called the Strait of Bab al Mandab today.
Upon passing through this Strait you then enter the very beautiful Edenic Valley with low mountains on both sides. The Nuzi Map now shows where everything is located.
Entering The Edenic Valley: As you enter the Edenic Valley the outline or edges of the Valley are depicted on the Nuzi Map by a double line. Now to the West of the Western Hills there is another river (the Nile River) but I don't know where it comes from or goes to; therefore, it's shown only in the Southwest corner of the map. [Actually, the Tekeze River (not shown on many modern maps) flows into the Atbara River which is one of the three main tributaries of the Nile River. And, it appears that the Tekeze River is the river that is clearly shown on the ancient Nuzi Map as being very close to Aad.]
Three Waterways And The Med: I also know that way upriver (up the Jordan River extended), perhaps nearly 1,000 miles North of the Strait of Bab al Mandab, the Jordan River divides: the West Branch flows from the Suez region and the East Branch, the main fork, flows from the Aqaba region. And, even further to the North, there is a great sea, the Mediterranean Sea. The shoreline is shown as a broader double line. O.K., in the land between the two sides of the fork in the Jordan River extended there is a third river (the River of Egypt) that flows through the Sinai and into the Mediterranean. I've shown all three as rivers on the Nuzi Map but I've never been there and don't know further details.
The Cities: There are cities shown both within the Edenic Valley and outside the Valley. First, those outside the Valley:
Al Fayyum: In Egypt (Mizraim) the circle shown near the West fork of the River should be giving directions to the preflood colony of Al Fayyum which is actually perhaps three days overland journey West from where the North Galala Plateau meets the waterways. The site by the West finger of the river is easily identified by a large pinnacle called Migdol (Exodus 14:2). It's on the East tip of the North Galala Plateau which is also called Baalzephon meaning the North Plateau. Yes, there's also a South Galala Plateau.
Migdol, the pinnacle, is right in the mouth of the gorges called Pihahiroth. Pihahiroth is easy to visualize. Just make a 'U' shaped cup between your thumb and fingers of your right hand and lay the 'U' on its side with your thumb down and closer to you. That's Pihahiroth, the mouth of the gorges with Migdol at the bottom of the cup formed by the 'U'. Note: There is another broad gorge on the North side of the North Galala Plateau. This second gorge is depicted by the fingers portion of the 'U'.
To get to Al Fayyum just follow Westward along your thumb (Baalzephon) for about three days foot travel until you come to the Nile, cross over the Nile and you have reached Al Fayyum. Note: Moses and his flock followed this route from Al Fayyum and encamped in Pihahiroth, between Migdol and the sea (the Gulf of Suez formed by The Flood) when they departed Egypt 882 years after The Flood (Exodus 14:2; Numbers 33:1-10).
Al Fayyum, of course, was a major preflood trading center West of the Nile. And, since the Edenic Valley was the principle preflood world community, there apparently was a port community on the bank of the West fork just east of Pihahiroth as shown by the circle on the Nuzi Map.
Chanoch: The city to the Northeast of the Edenic Valley (shown by a partial circle) is the city of Chanoch, a very wealthy city built by Cain East of the Edenic Valley (Genesis 4:16-17). The Koran identifies it as Al Judi (Sura 11:44) and also calls it Thamoud throughout the Koran. And according to translators of symbols on the Nuzi Map it is called Mashkan-dur-ibla and in texts found at Nuzi it's Durubla (See description on the Henry-Davis web site).
Perhaps Durubla is the origin of the Scriptural name Zerubbabel, the Temple builder, mentioned in Haggai, Zechariah, Ezra, and Nehemiah. That is, the name Zerubabbel is from the Babylonian meaning a descendant from Babylon (i.e. born there as opposed to the Holy City).
Also, people from Chanoch and other cities came to help Noah build his great city which eventually became the great ark, a gigantic floating raft (Our web pages re: Noah's Ark explain much).
Cities Of Noah And Aad: Within the Edenic Valley there are two distinct circles shown on the Nuzi Map with a square area shown between them. To date the cuniform markings have remained illegible. However, the city to the Southwest, near the West side of the Valley appears to be located well South of modern Port Sudan; whereas, the other depictions range Northward and more to the center of the Edenic Valley which should be almost opposite Port Sudan.
The Koran speaks of the city (tribe) of Aad as a compatriot of Thamoud and that both were destroyed more or less together (Sura 69:1-10). Aad is described as "the many-columned city of Iram, whose like has never been built in the whole land" (Sura 89:6) who like Thamoud led a sinful life. The Koran, of course, repeatedly links Noah, Aad, and Thamoud together. Aad is also called the people of the Houd (Sura 11:60). Whereas, Houd (the Howdah) survived The Flood and Aad did not. Therefore, the city shown on the Nuzi Map within the Valley of Eden may very well be the City of Aad described throughout the Koran.
The Port Of Eden: O.K., when the traveler traversed up the Jordan River extended to the midst of the Edenic Valley, the Nuzi Map indicates that the traveler will arrive at a port city on the West shore of the river about mid-way up the river in the midst of the Valley.
The Yellow Brick Road: Our web page, "The Overall Layout: Noah's Ark And Treasures Of The Red Sea" mentioned "The Andean Highway." That submerged ribbon-like roadway traversed from reef to reef (the marine version of from tell to tell). And a portion of this roadway has been seen just off-shore from Port Sudan.
Of significant interest is that "The Andean Highway" was described as being devoid of marine growths. Now, what would prevent marine growths from forming on a long submerged roadway? Are these roads made of gold or silver bricks?
"The name of the first (or prime river) is Pison (the Jordan River extended): that is it which compasseth the whole land of Havilah (the Edenic Valley), where there is gold;
"And the gold of that land is good (plentiful): there is bdellium and the onyx stone."
Genesis 2:11-12
Yes, follow that yellow brick road. The Nuzi Map will get you there.
Prepared By Father - Son Team George & Dana Brown P.O. Box 320932 Cocoa Beach, Florida USA 32932-0932 Email: ![]()